Smooth Greensnake

Smooth Greensnake by Carl Passardt- US Fish and Wildlife (public domain)

Smooth greensnakes are very thin, delicate, emerald-green snakes. Their bellies are ivory or yellow. They can be 12 to 25 inches long.

Smooth greensnakes are found mostly in the north, north-central and northeastern regions of the US. They can be found throughout Connecticut although their distribution is irregular. Most have been reported east of the Connecticut river. The population declined in the 1950s as a result of pesticide spraying and loss of habitat. Now it is unknown if they are still declining, increasing or are stable in eastern Connecticut.

Smooth greensnakes live in grassy fields, meadows and pastures and the edges of wetlands.

These snakes breed in May. Females lay 3 to 12 eggs from June to September under debris, in old rodent burrows or in rotten logs. It is believed that the eggs have been incubated inside their mother so they hatch soon relative to other snake eggs after being laid. The babies hatch out somewhere between 4 to 23 days after egg-laying. The babies are dark blue-gray or dark olive in color. The mothers do not care for their eggs or young.

Smooth greensnakes enter hibernation before October in New England. They emerge in April or May. They are usually active during the daytime. They can climb but spend most of their time on the ground.

Smooth greensnakes are insectivores and feed on insects and spiders.

These gentle and lovely little snakes will flee into the grass if approached. There they may freeze or else sway slightly to imitate surrounding plants, hoping they go unseen. If handled they rarely bite. If they do bite they almost never break the skin. They are not venomous. They may produce musk if handled. It's best to leave these harmless snakes in peace.

This is the only green snake in Connecticut and is confused with nothing else. Recently deceased smooth greensnakes may turn blue.